Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Christian Pirep Food-6

Hi Sandy.

I don't know, whether Rudy is flying Food-6 as well, but I flew it today.
It was beautiful weather today and I took the C-130 back into the air again to deliver these 63 food bags to Shageluk.
The routing went via Sparrevohn and then direct to SHX. As I arrived I had the impression that the runway was very short and narrow, and I was da** right. I managed it to land safely and taxied back to the ramp and I tried to park the aircraft backwards by using the reversers, but on this gravel runway I had no luck. I then edited the aircraft.cfg file and increased the reverse thrust and this helped a lot.

After unloading these 63 bags we departed for the flight back to ANC this time via McGrath.

It was a rather fast flight and nearing Anchorage I made contact with the tower and requested landing permission. I was sent downwind for an approach to RWY 32, though I had expected RWY 14 as we departed from there. This time we were flying low at an altitude of about 1000 feet with high speed and then I pulled the Hercules up and turned inbound to RWY 32. I climbed to about 5000 feet and tried another Sarajevo style approach. And to give you an impression how it would look like I took a small video of it. That was a very good decision from what I can tell you now! Otherwise you probably wouldn't believe what had happened. I was going down real steep to the runway and at a certain altitude I engaged the reversers and levelled off and landed also instantly. I thought already about a short landing distance, but that short? You will have to see the video the believe it.

Ok, Sandy, flying time was 02:10.

Video is available at TCA-Charter.

Monday, February 19, 2007

PIREP Angel: Food-10 and return to McGrath

Food-10 and return to McGrath

Once again, took off heavy loaded from McGrath. Headed VFR direct to Ophir. I coudn't find the strip and even with Connie's help I could only find when I was almost over it. Had to maneuver the 208 to the edge to get down and safe into Ophir. A lot of tall trees around it. I'm starting to make a habit of getting branches into my landing gear. Check out this picture, I was so close that even the tree ducked!!

Good thing Connie is getting used to it or I would have to get earplugs into my headset. After all that twisting it's amazing that I got BOTH wheels on the strip.

We stayed around for a little bit as she had to do her reporting thing and I had to go out into the largest men's bathroom in the world.

Once unloaded we headed back to McGrath for some more rest and TV time.

PAMC-Z17-PAMC : 40 minutes.

Currently standing by at McGrath.


PIREP Angel: Transfer to McGrath

PANC-6AK : 50 minutes

Transfer to McGrath. With an empty plane it leaped into they air with room to spare from 6AK.
Connie got some nice pictures after she stopped yelling once she realized we weren't going to go into the frozen lake ahead.

6AK-PAMC : 55 minutes.

PIREP Angel: Food-5


Well we sure had plenty of off-duty time in Anchorage when dispatch reached me as I was show Connie the watering holes that bush pilots frequent in Anchorage. Being that some of the villages do not allow alcohol and that no sane pilot will fly while under the effect of it there was plenty to choose from.

The dog food drops had begun. As usual the ground crew had been nice enough to keep the dog bags really frozen so they wouldn't smell. It was 40 of them and at 60 pounds each it was almost a ton of food destined for Rainy Pass. We sure were heavy this time but I was fresh from both RP and Rohn so it wouldn't be a problem. Connie on the other hand was happy that we would get another chance to enjoy the scenery from so close to the mountains and from RP itself.

Strangely we got taxxing while there was a lull in traffic so we got airborne and heading to RP pretty quickly. Soon ATC had us lined up for rwy 29 which is definitely a better approach than 11. I almost got under the power curve on final, but the PT6A roared enough to keep me from tasting the ground around RP. Landing was firm (crash-like)..I need some sort of braking device. I hear Snowboss is patenting one. Maybe I'll ask him to test fly it.

Connie asked me if we could stay a cpl of hours and since there was no other assignment from Anchorage we were expected to transfer to McGrath and that would be it. So I said shure, knock yourself out. And she almost did while trying to walk on puntilla Lake!! Meanwhile I made full use of my RP membership and enjoyed a discount meal at the Rainy Pass Lodge.

She interviewed almost everyone there (Not that there were many anyway). As the cpl of hours were ending I told her we should get going to McGrath

PANC-6AK : 50 minutes

(sorry no picture..but hey, you know what Rainy Pass is like!)

ANGEL: Some pics from previous Pireps

This is from when I took a supply flight of straw from Anchorage to Unalakleet. Weather was miserable at ANC. But I was inside the roomy, comfy but noising Herk.

And here I am approaching Unk. As usual I was almost flying sideways to land at Unk.

After returning the Herk to Anchorage I got a ride to Mc Grath to deliver straw to Rohn. Yeah, you can't see the strip, neither could I!! that's why I did 4 , yes 4 dizzing go arounds until I managed to get the commemorative tree branches on my landing gear before setting it down at Rohn.

This next ones are from landing at Takotna. It's so easy compare to Rohn that I even managed to set the main gear first before the nose gear.

And here I am flying peacefully back to Anchorage. After a hurried time trying to keep the schedule on time for the race.

I wish I could've included this with the pirep's they have to go with. But better to post them now than never.


Christian Pirep TX ANC

Hi Sandy.

Stayed the night in Unalakleet at the Brown's Lodge and got up early at around 07:00 for a good breakfast. Then I got to the airport and did the pre flight checks on the Bell 412. And I checked everything twice - who knows...
Found nothing irregular and I checked the weather and it looks like it would be a wonderful day for flying with good visibility and moderate winds along our routing. This time I selected a rather more direct routing via McGrath and further on to Anchorage. I departed Unalakleet at 09:50 during sunrise and flew a heading of about 90° inbound to the MCG VOR climbing to 9500 feet to stay clear of the Alaska Range later and for a better fuel consumption. And I btw found out why I have so different fuel consumptions (probably). If I start with a saved situation the fuel consumption is too low. If I re-select the Bell 412 the fuel consumption is more realistic. Now knowing this I will test it in the future.
The flight itself was rather uneventful.
As soon as I could pick up ANC VOR I turned towards this VOR to shorten the route a little bit. This time I also wasn't experiencing the CTD around Rainy Pass, so I think the summer version did the trick.
As I approached Anchorage Stevens they had Rwy 14 in use, but I crossed if after a MD-11F from UPS had landed and I landed at our cargo building. I headed over to the office and found the door unlocked. I thought to myself, that you might have left in a hurry and also left a mess behind, but then I realized that it must have been a burglary, because I found our petty cash was broke open. I hope there was too much cash in it. I called the police and they said that had been more burglaries in the past on the airport and they have a good feeling to catch them soon. Better it is, that the police catches him/her/them before we do! If not you have a new volunteer for testing your revolutionary new breaking system.

Ok, now I'm cleaning the office from that mess...


P.S. Flying time would not too bad I think. I almost forgot it over this situation: 02:41

Christian Pirep Food-17

Hi Sandy.

Still yesterday. I departed Unalakleet for the third flight then and headed to White Mountain. On board there were 24 dog food bags. The flight was really uneventful - nothing to see, but ice of the frozen Norton Sound. Flying time there and back: 85 minutes.


Christian Pirep Food-15

Hi Sandy,

I left Unalakleet for Koyuk to deliver these 25 food bags and I was in the air as I heard something about an incident at Anvik with one of our aircrafts involved. Once I had delivered these bags to Koyuk Checkpoint I returned and tried to find out what had happened and what it was about this "incident" at Anvik. Now I was able to get more details - and the more details were revealed I couldn't believe what I heard, but started to laugh and I now know where Rodger has his Callsign - Jumping Mouse - from: jumping over the runway on his a*** :-))))
Sandy, you better run for shelter.
I better don't leave my helicopter unattended - who knows...

Ok, laughing time, sorry, flying time was 70 minutes.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Food 14 or how to make a 30 minute flight in 24 hours

Shortly after landing at Kaltag I was invited to join Snowboss and the other TCAA pilots in Kaltag for dinner, I figured that I could fly to Eagle Island and be back in time for dinner it wouldn't take more than 40 or 50 minutes to be back, the plan was to make a couple of low passes over Eagle Island to take some pictures and show them the new scenery, I helped the volunteers with the dog food bags and rushed back into the 206 started the engines and up I went,planning the shots I'd take from the air,the 15 minute flight to Eagle passed fast,with the island insight I started my decent, leveled off at 300ft and flying parallel to the rwy I started shooting and all I could hear was the click of the camera, OMG!!! what happenned to the engine? a glance at the panel and I had the cause, no fuel,forgot to refuel in Kaltag, my first thought was to turn left and try to make it to Eagle Island but by now I was too far and too low,so I just landed ahead there was plenty of ice, hoping it wouldn't crack I lowered the flaps and gently tried to put her on the ice giving her all the time to loose speed, we finally landed with Eagle Island within walking distance, with the help of Eskimo George I tied the 206 at the river bank and locked it tightly to keep any wolves off the dog food bags, spent the night at Eagle Island,this morning they helped me unload the plane and she sold some gallons of av-gas, she says she spares it for stupid pilots like myself, anyway,this afternoon, after lunch I took off back to Kaltag, and here I am reporting back to duty and trying to explain how it took 24 hours to finish a 30 minutes flight, hoping you believe the story.


Chico Aguiar

PS: . BTW,I was in no carnival party at all :))

Christian Pirep Anvik - Unalakleet

Hi Sandy.

I know when I arrived at Unalakleet, but unfortunately I forgot to note down the time of departure from Anvik. But I think it must have been a flying time of about 45 minutes.

It was a rather uneventful flight, with the normal high wind speeds out of the East along the flight. I landed on my skids with an airspeed of 22 knots, but a groundspeed of only 0 knots. LOL

I think the fuel consumption is also back in order.


PIREP Rodger: Food-11

Delivered 1380# doggie bags to Iditarod site and transfered to Kaltag. Heavy load left me with only 45gal so it was a lean flight. Talked to Jimmy Lee by satellite phone and he said Snowboss helped him get the brakes configured on the C206. Thanks Boss! I'll check it out at first opportunity after completing Kaltag supply flight in
the morning. Oh, and thanks for dinner tonight at the Kal-Cafe.

Flight : Food-11
Date : 2/18/2007
Name : Rodger C. Butler TCA9089
Callsign: Jumping Mouse
# Aboard: 1
Aircraft: TCAA - De Havilland Canada DHC2 Beaver Ski (aka BEAVERSKI)
Depart. : PAMC
Destin. : Iditarod - KAL
Dep.time: 19:15z
Enroute : 01:40
Fuel : 34gal
Speed : 125
Altitude: 3500

PIREP Vic: Tx to Kaltag

Hello Sandy,

No problems on this transfer flight in the PC-6. Filed IFR just in case, but I was in the clear at 6000 feet above low clouds half of the way, then pure vfr the rest of the trip.

Flight : TX
Date : 2/17/2007
Name : Vic Alesi
TCA# 2613
# Aboard: 1
Aircraft: PC-6
Depart. : PAMC McGrath
Destin. : KAL Kaltag
Dep.time: 11:46 local.
Enroute : 1:05
Fuel : 29 gal
Route : MCG Direct KAL
Speed : 110 knots
Altitude: 6000

I'll buy you that that mooseburger for lunch tomorrow; after that I'll make the trip down to Eagle Island.



PIREP Snowboss: Kaltag to Eagle Island

I had 8-food bags to take to Eagle Island, and my plan was to take it in a C182, that was laying around Kaltag doing nothing. As I was looking over the C182 for any nesting birds I was approached by and old gentleman looking to be a little older than Ole Snowboss. He introduced himself as Eskimo George, and someone had told him that I was flying to Eagle Island, and he would pay me to ride along. I told him I was not going to Eagle Island, I was heading to Las Vegas. Well Ole George looked at the C182 and then gave me a puzzled look. I then laughed and told him that I was joking and that I was heading to Eagle Island. He said the ole lady, he called her Sadie, was expecting him to help her with checkpoint activities, and that he had 300# of food stuff that needed to go. With the bulk of the loaded I figured I needed to use my PC-12, but I wasn't sure it could handle the short runway as I am a little rusty on flying the PC-12, but I decided to give it a try. A couple locals helped load our aircraft, and soon I had the fire burning in the turbine, and taxied out from the ramp and turned onto the runway, dropped flaps-1 and took off from the intersection of the taxiway, and this makes runway-3 pretty short, but we were airborne with runway left over. I pulled power back and climbed to our cruising altitude of 2,000 feet and followed the mighty Yukon River south to Eagle Island. What a pretty day it was, clear skies all around us. My planned approach was over the river to the runway, then if I couldn't stop in time I would end up in the snow, lot's better than going into the river. Shortly the island came in view and I descended down to 1,000 feet and entered a left downwind. I normally drop the gear before using flaps. I turned base and set flaps-1, this bird doesn't like to slow down real well. I turned final, and set flaps-2, and coming a cross the river I set full flaps, and was still going about 90-knots. As I looked at that short runway, I thought to myself, this may not be fun. I kept it headed to the runway and touched down right at the start of the runway, and reversed the props, added a little brake, and to my surprise we had some runway left. I wasn't as rusty as I thought.

I didn't spend much time there, but Sadie was sure glad to see her old friend Eskimo George, and didn't pay much attention to me, and I got out of there without giving up any of my Crown stash. I taxied back towards the river and turned around for a north departure. Once lined up I looked down the runway and said to myself, hell a Navy Aircraft Carrier has more runway than this. I dropped flaps-1, held the brakes and added power, then feet off brakes and we shot down the strip like a tom cat with his tail on fire, and we took off with a little runway to spare. Back up to 2,000 feet with the mighty Yukon River under me. Short flight, but an interesting one. The PC-12, really showed what it is made of. The PC-12, is also known as a rich mans SUV.

BTW...I didn't take any of Eskimo George's money, I enjoyed his company.

Snowboss, in Kaltag

PIREP Joey: Food-9 and Food-12

Total Time: 4 hours. Total Fuel: 564 lbs

Finally made it to Takotna after the fog lifted with 23 bags o' dog food. It's Kibbles and Bits I think. Then headed to Kaltag to get Food 12. Reloaded another 23 bags and headed to Anvik, unloaded and back to Kaltag.

Joey MacK

Time: 00:11 Dp: 20:16z Ar: 20:27z Dst: 13nm F: 30 lbs

transfer TCT-KAL
Time: 00:57 Dp: 20:35z Ar: 21:32z Dst: 107nm F: 174lbs

Time: 00:58 Dp: 21:45z Ar: 22.43Z Dst: 108NM F: 180 lbs

return PANV-KAL
Time: 00:54 Dp: 23:04z Ar: 23:58z Dst: 108NM F: 180 lbs

Christian Pirep Food-12

Hi Sandy.

I delivered 23 bags of dog food to Anvik. Man I was about 150 pounds below max gross weight. Fuel consumption is again a problem. It uses less fuel than predicted. On the flights from Anchorage via McGrath to Iditarod and further on the fuel consumption was close to the real thing. Who knows what had happened…

Ok, I departed Kaltag at 10:50 and headed along the Yukon in southern direction to Anvik. It was a nice flight in very good weather, a little bit windy, but this was no problem. I arrived at Anvik at 11:43 after 53 minutes.


PIREP Vic: Food-9 McGrath - Takotna

Good evening boss,

I just completed Food-9.

The short trip over from PAMC to Takotna was easy at 2500 feet.
Having the Pilatus made the landing at that short runway no problem.

Flight : Food - 9
Date : 2/17/2007
Name : Vic Alesi
TCA# 2613
# Aboard: 1, 12 bags of food
Aircraft: PC-6
Depart. : PAMC McGrath
Destin. : TCT Takotna
Dep.time: 10:25 local.
Enroute : 0:20
Fuel : 6 gal
Route : VFR Direct
Speed : 100 knots
Altitude: 3500

However, while offloading at TCT the weather deteriorated drastically. The fog rolled in and in minutes the field was IMC. I checked the weather back at McGrath and they were still reporting 10 miles so I filed IFR back at 3000 feet. The trip back was completely in the soup. I was cleared for the visual to 34 and to my surprise suddenly the weather cleared and the runway was in sight; then, just
as suddenly, it started to drop again. I slowed to about 65 knots, dropped down to treetop level, and kept visual contact with the ground. The runway came back into view so I didn't have to declare a missed approach.

Flight : Food-9 (return)
Date : 2/17/2007
Name : Vic Alesi
TCA# 2613
# Aboard: 1
Aircraft: PC-6
Depart. : TCT Takotna
Destin. : PAMC McGrath
Dep.time: 11:00 local.
Enroute : :29
Fuel : 10 gal

It's funny how the shortest flights can sometimes turn into the most eventful.

While I have been typing this the weather has cleared up again a bit, and Kaltag is reporting clear, so I'll think I'll launch for the transfer flight.



PIREP Bookie: Transfer McGrath to Kaltag

Got my assignment for the Kaltag supply flights and figured it was time to take the Stationair and get on up there. While I was filing the flightplan, Captain Coogan came into OPS and asked if he could copilot with me for the weekend. Seems he hasn't been able to get much stick time but he can this weekend. I readily agreed. It's
nice to have some company on these long flights. Now that Snoboss has reduced the 206's load from 19 bags to 15 bags, I believe I can fit a copilot in nicely.

I forgot to mention the discussion around headquarters about the specs on our TCAA C206. Seems somebody had the weights all wrong. Took her into the maintenance hangar and had the boys bring it up to specs. While there, I also had them install a turbocharger. I bet that'll help the performance going back over the Alaska Range!

The trip to Kaltag was marked by it uneventfulness but again, having Captain Jack along we were able to catch up on all the goings on since we last flew together. JC 0.5

Flight : txfr
Date : 2007/2/17
Name : Bookie Westbrook
Callsign: BookieW
TCA# : 2609
# Aboard: 2
Aircraft: Cessna 206 Stationair
Depart. : McGrath
Destin. : Kaltag
Dep.time: 14:00
Enroute : 01:01
Fuel : 16
Route1 : PAMC direct KAL
Speed : 130
Altitude: 6500

PIREP Dave OneX: Food-14

Dropped 20 dog bags at Eagle island and took the old girl a bottle of Crown Royal to use with her special visitors, had three cups of well flavored coffee and headed off to Unalakleet for the RON. it is only sixty miles back up to Kaltag it necessary.

McGrath still had limited visibility, fog and snow as before. Climbed on top approximately 5000 msl in to the blue. Just a little while later flew off the edge of the weather (Front) and it was clear and nice for the rest of the day.

Winds at Kaltag were crossing at 11 knots can't remember the direction, required landing across the river. Wind was 21 knots at 080 in Unalakleet.

Total Time: 01:51

07/02/17 2345z -6 GMT (SIM 07/02/17 0035z GMT-9): Flight FOOD-14
DHC2 Beaver Tradewind Alaska N202TA

PAMC <2130z - 2230z>KAL 01:00 Transition
KAL <2255z - 2319z>~EglI 00:24
~EglI<0008z - 0035z>PAUN 00:27 Transition

PIREP Chico: Food-10 & Transfer to Kaltag

Hauled 15 bags of Dog Food to Ophir and went on to Kaltag.The weather was good at Ophir and remained the same all the way to Kaltag, there was some turbulance with winds at 15kts in gusts.

Flight : Food 10 & Transfer to Kaltag
Name : Francisco Aguiar
Callsign : Aguiar
Date : 17/02/2007
Aircraft : TA C206 Stationair II
Depart : McGrath/PAMC
Stop 1 : Ophir/Z17
Destin : Kaltag/Kal
Enroute: 00:49

Chico Aguiar

PIREP Terry: Food-8 McGrath-Nikolai

Nikolai airstrip

Hi Snady,

Just had time to fly Food-8 : PAMC - 5NI
44 bags of dog food
Weather fair with a little haze
Total Flight time::35 minutes.

Terry (Now at Kaltag)

PIREP Chico: Sled-4 McGrath-Nikolai

A short hop to Nikolai with ceiling at 3900ft, and snowing.

Flight # : Sled 4
Name : Francisco Aguiar
Callsign : Aguiar
Date : 17/02/2007
Aircraft : Leased C208
Depart : McGrath/PAMC
Stop 1 : Nikolai/5NI
Destin : McGrath/PAMC
Enroute: 00:26

Chico Aguiar

PIREP Dave OneX: Food-10 McGrath - Ophir

Ophir airstrip

At McGrath a fog bank moving east just off the 07 end of the runway. High scattered TCU visible from parking area, ceiling obscured and visibility 5 - 7 miles in the McGrath area at 1500Z GMT. In the Ophir area visibility 2 miles or less from 2500 MSL.

Dropped 23 bags of dog food (With no help) lost off the east end of the runway in the area of the access road coming down form the major highway well traveled in the simulator? Ophir doesn't even rate a wind sock, I don't recall running it over? At 8 knots and a fairly steep hill on one end the runway got really short fast. The hill was at least steeper than a normal glide path. I would recommend they move the chain-saw gang from Rohn over here and cut a notch in the trees on both ends. The runway does not appear to be any longer here than at Rohn?

Total Time: 00:40

07/02/17 1455z -6 GMT (Sim 07/02/16 2058z -9GMT):Flight FOOD-10
DHC2 Beaver Tradewind A;asla N202TA

PAMC<1908z>Z17 00:17
Z17 <2035z>PAMC 00:23

PIREP Chico: transfer to McGrath

McGrath airport, PAMC

My transfer flight to McGrath

Flight # : Transfer to McGrath
Name : Francisco Aguiar
Callsign : Aguiar
Date : 16/02/2007
Aircraft : TA C206 Stationair II
Depart : Anchorage/PANC
Destin : McGrath/PAMC
Enroute: 01:15

Chico Aguiar

PIREP David Asp: Food 9 McGrath - Takotna

Takotna strip

'Morning Boss...

Took the C-208 from McGrath into one of my least favourite strips.
Personally I'd rather carry the food bags overland on my back than land at this tree infested postage stamp.

I knew the Dak wouldn't get into Takotna as I've tried on previous years so I took a Cessna from McGrath which was parked nearby and unattended.

I notice that Joey Mack couldn't get in there a little while ago due to fog, but when I looked out just before flying, the viz was around 20 miles with light northerly winds.

Have a good weekend


Flight : food 9
Date : 2007/2/17
Name : David Aspinall
Callsign: Jay
TCA# : 2861
# Aboard:
Aircraft: C-208
Depart. : McGrath
Destin. : Takotna return to McGrath
Dep.time: 09:30
Enroute : 00:30
Route1 : direct
Speed : 140kts
Altitude: 2000'

PIREP Rodger: Food-7 McGrath - Rhon - Anchorage

Delivered 1200# of dog food to Rohn Tatitna. Had to make two passes. The first was a touch'ngo and nailed it on the second one. The new flap settings slow it down nice but she still rolls like a sonufagun after touchdown. Brakes aren't worth crap. Gonna have Jimmy Lee check em out. Boy that's one problem the Porter doesn't have. It lands like a hang glider

Flight : Food-7
Date : 2/16/2007
Name : Rodger C. Butler TCA9089
Callsign: Jumping Mouse
# Aboard: 1
Aircraft: TCAA C206 Cargo
Depart. : PAMC
Destin. : 8KA - PANC
Dep.time: 00:10z
Enroute : 01:36
Fuel : 17gal
Speed : 124
Altitude: 5000

PIREP Snowboss: Transfer to Kaltag

Hey Crew,

Got out of Anchorage a little late, had an electrical problem, took about 45 minutes to repair. We departed at 2141 AKST, and arrived Kaltag at, 2315 AKST (0115 my time). :-(( Flight time 1:36 in the PC-12.

Now I have to go find a place to crash, very tired

Goodnight, or Good Morning...


PIREP Vic: Food 2 and on to McGrath

Hi Sandy,

I'm not sure if this got posted; if so, please ignore this duplicate report.

I flew into Kaltag this evening with the DC3, then transferred to McGrath. Food-2 was IMC most of the way until the descent into KAL where I broke out of the clouds at 6000, cancelled IFR, and landed on runway 3.

Flight : Food - 2
Date : 2/16/2007
Name : Vic Alesi
TCA# 2613
# Aboard: 1, plus 74 bags of food
Aircraft: DC-3
Depart. : PANC Anchorage
Destin. : KAL Kaltag
Dep.time: 10:29 local.
Enroute : 2:17
Fuel : 236 gal
Route : ANC V440 MCG
Speed : 140 knots
Altitude: 12000

After offloading I proceeded to McGrath:

Flight : TX
Date : 2/16/2007
Name : Vic Alesi
TCA# 2613
# Aboard: 1
Aircraft: DC-3
Depart. : KAL Kaltag
Destin. : PAMC McGrath
Dep.time: 14:05 local.
Enroute : 1:05
Fuel : 24 gal (Incorrect - I'm not sure what happened here)
Route : Direct MCG
Speed : 140 knots
Altitude: 11000

I will fly food-9 tomorrow evening.



Message from Snowboss: Food drop flights from Kaltag are ON

Kaltag airport

Hello Crew,

I have posted the Food Drop Flights from Kaltag. These flights will service the checkpoints of, Anvik, Grayling, and Eagle Island. BTW, Chico, you have an assignment to Eagle Island, figured you would like to try your new scenery.

At the present time, I am loading my PC-12, with 10-food bags, four volunteers with gear, and will head out to Kaltag. I need some more night flights. The food bags were left behind by a mistake of the loading crew. The volunteers will be helping you load your flights in Kaltag.

Remember, all food flights and the assignments are posted on our TCAA Iditarod page. We have a lot of work yet to do, but we are in good shape.

Have a good weekend...

Snowboss, heading for Kaltag.

PIREP Joey: Food 9 NOT


I tried three times to make it into Takotna. Skies were clear out of McGrath, but hit a fog bank 6nm out. I could finally see the Takotna strip, but not until I was on top of it. Circled 5 or 6 times, gave up. went back to McGrath. Ran to the head. Flew back again, still no visual. I'll have to try again tomorrow.

Joey MacK

PIREP Bookie: Food-11 McGrath-Iditarod

Leased Cessna-185 at Iditarod

The flight down was uneventful. Took off with 19 bags for a total of 1140#s cargo. 185 was one pound over the limit on takeoff. The real excitement came on final approach to the frozen oxbow that is Iditarod. Had to go around the first time couldn't get low and slow enough soon enough. The landing was a laugher too. Boing, boing, boing. Good thing these Cessnas have strong undercarriage.

The takeoff was pretty exciting too as I lost control and crashed into the trees on the north side of the bow. On the second attempt I lined up by the port-a-john and this time I made it easily.

Flight : food 11
Date : 2007/2/16
Name : Bookie Westbrook
Callsign: BookieW
TCA# : 2609
# Aboard: 1
Aircraft: Cessna 185 Skywagon
Depart. : McGrath
Destin. : McGrath
Dep.time: 14:20
Enroute : 01:30
Route1 : PAMC direct Iditarod
Route2 : Iditarod direct PAMC
Speed : 145
Altitude: 4500/5500

PIREP Chico: Vet-1 Anchorage - Skwentna

Hey Boss,
Tough weather this time,it was overcast with the ceiling at 1000ft,visibility down to three miles and a light snow falling. I flew at 900ft below the cloud layer.The vets were delivered safe and sound at Skwentna

Flight # : VET-1
Name : Francisco Aguiar
Callsign : Aguiar
Date : 16/02/2007
Aircraft : TA C206 Stationair II
Depart : Anchorage/PANC
Stop 1 : Skwentna/PASW
Stop 2 : xxxxxxxxx
Destin : Anchorage/PANC
Enroute: 00:50

Chico Aguiar


Hello Crew,

The Iditarod line up looks to be, 83-mushers that will leave the start line.

I will be posting the Food Drop Flights from Kaltag a little later today.


PIREP Rudy: Food-2 Anchorage - Kaltag

Hi Snowboss,

Left ANC with 2700 lbs of fuel and 4400 lbs of food. After dropping off the food flew to McGrath for flights to Rohn and Iditarod.

Delivered 74 bags of food

Flight : Food 2
Date : 16-2-2007
Name : Rudy Boot
# Aboard: 2
Aircraft: MAAM-DC3
Depart. : Anchorage
Destin. : Kaltag, then McGrath
Dep.time: 09:11
Enroute : 03:18
Fuel : 1932 lbs
Route2 : Direct to McGrath
Speed : 135
Altitude: 8000/7000'

PIREP Bookie: Food 7 McGrath - Tatitna/Rhon

Flew 19 food bags into Rohn checkpoint this afternoon. Boy, was I overloaded leaving McGrath, maybe 450 pound overweight according to the utility. Came skimming in over the trees to make bumpy landing. I was just hoping the landing gear would hold up.

Sandy, try to keep me away from the Farewell area. I have something wrong with my installation, even with Keff's scenery out I still CTD within sight of Farewll. I plan to re-install after the Iditarod.

Flight : food 7
Date : 2007/2/16
Name : Bookie Westbrook
Callsign: BookieW
TCA# : 2609
# Aboard: 1
Aircraft: Cessna 206 Stationair
Depart. : McGrath
Destin. : McGrath
Dep.time: 12:20
Enroute : 01:10
Route1 : PAMC - direct Tatitina
Route2 : Tatitina - direct PAMC
Speed : 125
Altitude: 3500

PIREP Snowboss: Porter Ferry flight

Hi Vic,

I arrived in McGrath, with your PC-6, at 1136 AKST (2136 Zulu). By the way, I didn't bend anything, but it will need fuel. BTW, it was IFR most of the way, cruised at 10,000 feet, and in the clouds most of the time. It was though an enjoyable flight as the fan out front kept turning, and that keeps you cool, but if it stops, you really start to sweat. Flight time, 1:33.


PIREP Dave OneX: Transfer to McGrath

Just skirting the tops coming out of Anchorage, Thin high layer (below FL120) in the McGrath area, clear below, winds calm visibility estimated at 20 or greater.

Food-10 Next. Don't know when I will have time to fly it. May be late this afternoon or evening reporting!

Total Time: 01:50

07/02/16 1315Z -6 GMT (Sim 07/02/16 1828z -9 GMT): Transition MCG
DHC2 Beaver Tradewind Alaska N202TA

PANC<1638z - 1828z>PAMC 01:50

PIREP Bookie: Vet 2

A good flight with spotty low fog from time to time. Had trouble locating Finger lake in FS9. returned to Pasw, changed sims and found it just fine in FS8! Who knows? Dropped off the Vets and their supplies.

Flight : Vet 2
Date : 2007/2/16
Name : Bookie Westbrook
Callsign: BookieW
TCA# : 2609
# Aboard: 3
Aircraft: De Havilland Canada DHC2 Beaver
Depart. : Anchorage
Destin. : Anchorage
Dep.time: 11:36
Enroute : 02:10
Route1 : PANC-PAsw-finger Lake
Route2 : Finger Lake-direct PANC
Speed : 120
Altitude: 4500

PIREP Christian: Food 3

Hi Sandy.

After refuelling at Unalakleet we departed again at 13:25 and headed for Anchorage via Sparrevohn. I use this routing to prevent FS crashing to Desktop while approaching Rainy Pass. Nevertheless it was a nice flight and we made an ILS landing to RWY 07L although RWY 32 was in use, but our routing brought us almost straight in to RWYs 07R/L. We came to a stop just before crossing RWY 32 and we had to stop there, because of landing Alaska Airlines flight 1 was on final to RWY 32. After the B737 had landed we taxied to our ramp without any problems.

Flying time was 01:12


PIREP Terry: Food - 4 Anchorage - Skwentna

Phew! managed to scrape enough time to fly Food-4: PANC - PASW

35 bags of Doggie breakfast

Volpar amphib - landing T/Off on/from river ice -ultra short roll when there's no friction on the tires,

Total Flight time: 1 hour 10 minutes


PIREP David Asp: Sled flight Anchorage - McGrath

'Morning Boss..

Here at last my pirep for sleds from Anchorage across to McGrath.

Another good day for flying with a light tailwind and little cloud.

I'll get onto the food drop tomorrow, Saturday.



Flight : sled
Date : 2007/2/16
Name : David Aspinall
Callsign: Jay
TCA# : 2861
Aircraft: DC-3
Depart. : Anchorage
Destin. : McGrath
Dep.time: 09:00
Enroute : 01:05
Route1 : direct
Speed : 170
Altitude: 110

PIREP Rodger: Transfer Anchorage to McGrath

Transfered PANC - PAMC

Flight : TXFR
Date : 2/15/2007
Name : Rodger C. Butler TCA9089
Callsign: Jumping Mouse
# Aboard: 1
Aircraft: TCAA - Cessna C206 - Cargo
Depart. : PANC
Destin. : PAMC
Dep.time: 21:00z
Enroute : 01:43
Fuel : 22gal
Speed : 122
Altitude: 140

PIREP Joey: Food 1 Anchorage - McGrath

Flew 504 sacks of dog food from Anch. to McGrath in the C130. Spending
the night in McGrath.

Time: 00:43

Dep: 20:01z
Arr: 20:44z
Dist: 190 nm
Fuel: 3302 lbs
Alt: FL180

Joey MacK

PIREP Dave OneX: Food 2 Anchorage - Kaltag

Relocated 128 Food Bags to Kaltag from Anchorage for stocking at various check points. Long flight!

RON Anchorage early morning 16th then transition to McGrath DHC2 Beaver.

Total Time: 05:04

07/02/16 0615 -6 GTMT (Sim 07/02/16 0316z -9 GMT)Flight Food-2
Fairchild C-119 Tradewind Alaska N119TA

PANC<1940z - 2219z>KAL 02:39
KAL <2341z - 0316z>PANC 02:25

PIREP Vic: Food 4 Anchorage to Skwentna

Good evening boss,

I completed Straw-4 today.

Prior to leaving PANC, we loaded the 18 food bags into the PC-6, for
a total payload weight of 1265 #s (including me). I ended up loading
much more fuel than I needed, 122 gallons, so I was a little over
gross for the takeoff - but this aircraft didn't seem to mind that at
all and climbed strongly out of PANC enroute to Skwentna. The
outbound flight was very clear, beautiful flying weather, and I made
it onto the lake at PASW and taxied up to the townsite to drop off
the chow.

Flight : Food - 4
Date : 2/15/2007
Name : Vic Alesi
TCA# 2613
EMail : vicalesi@pacbell.net
# Aboard: 1, plus 18 bags of food
Aircraft: PC-6
Depart. : PANC Anchorage
Destin. : PASW Skwentna
Dep.time: 10:24 local.
Enroute : 0:56
Fuel : 19 gal
Route : Direct
Speed : 100 knots
Altitude: 6500

After the foodbags were unloaded I enjoyed a mooseburger at the
Roadhouse restaurant, and after that I headed back out to
the aircraft for the trip back to PANC. The weather was a bit hazy
on the departure, but cleared up nicely at cruise altitude, and I was
able to eyeball the airport quite a ways out and landed on 14 in calm
winds, taxied to the ramp.

Flight : Straw-4 (return)
Date : 2/15/2007
Name : Vic Alesi
TCA# 2613
EMail : vicalesi@pacbell.net
# Aboard: 1
Aircraft: PC-6
Depart. : PASW - Skwentna
Destin. : PANC Anchorage
Dep.time: 13:28 local.
Enroute : 0:44
Fuel : 16 gal
Route : Direct
Speed : 100 knots
Altitude: 5500

This aircraft really just sips fuel at 100 kt cruise; also, great
short-field capability. Quite a haul machine.

Hope to take the DC-3 up to Kaltag tomorrow evening for Food-2.

Best regards,


PIREP Rodger: Food - 6

Delivered 20 bags of food to Shageluk and returned. Heading out for McGrath with 206 in about 2 hrs

Flight : Food-6
Date : 2/15/2007
Name : Rodger C. Butler TCA9089
Callsign: Jumping Mouse
# Aboard: 1
Aircraft: TDM - Aero Commander 680 "Annie"
Depart. : PANC
Destin. : SHX - PANC
Dep.time: 18:36z
Enroute : 03:50
Fuel : 131
Speed : 185
Altitude: 140

PIREP Bookie: Food 4

NIce to get an assignment. Now we know the race is coming on. Flying out was smooth with a slight tailwind. About halfway there I realized I hadn't landed on the frozen river before and wondered how it would be. Well, it was a smooth as glasss, but my
tires just didn't want to stop! I had to back taxi quite a way to get back to the checkpoint.

Takeoff was some better with one notch of flap I was in the air pronto and headed back to the Cargo headquarters, this leg at 3500. Not long after leaving Skwentna, two Air Force F-15 Eagles flashed by at treetop level headed for the town! Exciting stuff. They climbed to 10000 ft+ and crossed over the mountains headed toward McGrath, last I heard. I was cleared to land on RWY 6L visual and after that cleared to the cargo area.

Flight : Food 4
Date : 2007/2/15
Name : Bookie Westbrook
Callsign: BookieW
TCA# : 2609
# Aboard: 2 plus 35 food bags
Aircraft: Twin Beech
Depart. : Anchorage Cargo
Destin. : Anchorage Cargo
Dep.time: 08:30
Enroute : 01:00
Route1 : PANC-direct-PASW sort of
Route2 : Skewentna direct PANC
Speed : 145
Altitude: 4500

Christian Pirep TX UNK-KAL


I got up early to day at around 8 o'clock and head a nice breakfast before I headed for the airport to pre flight the Bell 412. I also had to refuel it and at 09:47 I left for Kaltag. It was a short hop of 60 miles and I got there at 10:24 after 37 minutes. I find Kaltag is a little bit bare and so I added some objects to the default scenery.


PIREP Christian: Food-3 Unalakleet.

Hi Sandy.

I delivered 382 bags of dog food to Unalakleet. And now I have a
problem: I do not have enough fuel for the flight back to Anchorage. I
hope we have enough fuel in the fuel farm at Unalakleet. I have
refuelled about 9500 lbs. from there. If we need the fuel back to UNK
I will install a bulk tank in my C-130 and deliver it back.
I was mislead during the fuelling by the Center tank. It showed about
74 % of fuel and so I only added few fuel to the rest of the tanks,
not noticing that he Center tank only holds about 670 ponds! Damned
did they fool me!
But in the end everything went alright and the food bags arrived in
good shape at Unalakleet.

Flying time so far 01:25.


PIREP Dave OneX: Fodd-4 Anchorage - Skwentna

Delivered 10 Food Bags Skentna. Low flying build in route and thin layers of ground fog here and there, great flying weather.

Total Time: 01:08

07/02/15 0837z -6 GMT (Sim 07/02/15 1927z -9 GMT) Flight: Food -4

DHC2 Beaver Tradewind Alaska N202TA

PANC<1800z - 1836z>PASW 00:36
PASW<1855z - 1927Z>PANC 00:32

PIREP Rodger: Transfer McGrath - Anchorage

Transfer after Lind Flight. Spending Valentines Day with Gail, having dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. Gotta keep the copilot happy.

Flight : TXFR
Date : 2/14/2007
Name : Rodger C. Butler TCA9089
Callsign: Jumping Mouse
# Aboard: 2
Aircraft: TCAA - Piper Cheyenne
Depart. : PAMC
Destin. : PANC
Dep.time: 18:50z
Enroute : 01:05
Fuel : 453
Speed : 200
Altitude: 210

PIREP David Asp: Transfer Fairbanks - Anchorage

'Morning Boss

Transferred from Fairbanks to Anchorage. Beautiful day, no wind and blue skies. Quiet enough down at Anchorage for a slow approach to 6L.

Thanks for the sled flight to McGrath, I'll get right onto it.

Flight : transfer
Date : 2007/2/15
Name : David Aspinall
Callsign: Jay
TCA# : 2861
# Aboard:
Aircraft: DC-3
Depart. : Fairbanks
Destin. : Anchorage
Dep.time: 12:00
Enroute : 01:35
Route1 : direct
Speed : 180
Altitude: 10

Message from Snowboss: Food drop flights are on

Hello Crew,

I have posted all food drop flights up to and including the checkpoint of Shageluk. There is also a couple sled flights and a few Vet flights.

Capt Joey McKay, will be hauling the food bags to McGrath, so don't deliver any food bags from McGrath, until Joey has the food bags delivered there. Joey, post on the forum that you are leaving for McGrath and also when you arrive.

Capt David Aspinall, has a flight to McGrath with some spare sleds. These sleds are for McGrath and Nikolai, so make sure he has them delivered to McGrath, before you fly the sleds to Nikolai. David has been very quite so far during the Iditarod, hope he will get them there quickly..

So head over to our Iditarod page and check your food drop assignments, then check the food drop flights and see where you are going. If you didn't get an assignment, let me know.

OK, hit the Trail,


PIREP Joey: Straw 14 plus transfer flights

Total Time: 03:43 Fuel: 1173lbs Distance: 564 nm

Transfer to PAUN from Kaltag DH2 Beaver
Dep: 9:36Z Arr: 20:03z Dist: 60nm Fuel: 114lbs

Straw14 PAUN-White Mountain, DH2 Beaver 7 bales of straw
Dep: 20:40z Arr; 21:31z Dist: 81nm Fuel: 152lbs

Transfer to Kaltag DH2 Beaver
Dep: 21:59z Arr: 55:58z Dist: 123nm Fuel: 213lbs

Transfer to PANC to await next assignment PC-12
Dep: 23:16z Arr: 00:41z Dist: 300nm Fuel 703lbs

PIREP Dave OneX: transfer Unalakleet, Straw-13, transfer to Anchorage

Wind is up at Unalakleet. High scattered, wind 060 @ 23, visibility 20 or greater, beautiful flying weather otherwise.

Total Time: 02:22

07/02/14/ 1845z GMT-6 (Sim 07/02/14 2156Z) Transfer Straw - 13
Cessna Citation X Private YV9265
PAMC<2120z - 2156z>PAUN 00:36 Transfer Unalakleet

DeHavland DHC3 Turbo Beaver Private C-FETN
PAUN<2220z - 2248z>ELI 00:28 Delivered 10 bales straw.
ELI <2312z - 2343z>PAUN 00:31

Cessna Citation X Private YV9265
PAUN<0025z - 0122z>PANC 00:47 Transfer Anchorage

PIREP Dave OneX: Transfer to McGrath & Straw 8 McGrath Iditarod McGrath

Weather arriving McGrath both arrivals 2000 overcast, visibility 2 miles in snow. Departed for Iditarod first light and flew to within 20nm then descended through a hole and flew at tree top level to the camp. When VFR stay VFR. If the CB radio is the truckers toy, then GPS has to be the pilots toy. Would never have been able to find the camp without it. Visibility at Iditarod could not have been any better than McGrath although the ceiling was broken to maybe three eight's at the most.

Departing McGrath for Unalakleet transition as I type this.

Total Time: 02:24

07/02/14 1732Z GMT-6 (Sim 07/02/14 2031z) Transition & Straw-8

Cessna Citation X Private YV-9265
PANC<1435z>PAMC 00:57 Transition McGrath

DeHavland DHC2 Tradewind Alaska N202TA
PAMC <1833z>~Idit 00:48 Straw - 8
~Idit<1952z>PAMC 00:39

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Christian Pirep TX to Unalakleet

Hi Sandy.

I couldn't resist and tried to get to Unalakleet within daylight. It was quite early in the day and I also will have to refuel at UNK. Flying time was exactly 1 hour.
I will head over to Brown's Lodge and see if they have a spare bed for me ;-)

Now it is 18:00 in UNK and the sun is almost down. Landed with the last piece of daylight. Perfect timing.


Food 11: McGrath - Iditarod

Pirep Food 11: McGrath – Iditarod

It had just stopped snowing when I left MCG. Vis was low so I followed a road after Tatalina. Looking at the map it showed to be the Iditarod Trail. I followed it past Moore Creek when I lost it turning into the hills. Used GPS to get to Flat where I headed north and soon picked up Oxbow. Offloaded and did some repair work. Oil seeping through. Tightened some connections and that stopped the seeping. Decided to fly to Unalakleet instead of that hard wooden floor at Kaltag. I could also fill up with gas there. Plus Saturday night = fried fish night! See you around folks!

Flight : Food 11
Report #: REP63094.TXT
Date : 17-2-2007
Name : Rudy Boot
Callsign: Stratman
EMail : rboot2001@yahoo.com
# Aboard: 1
Aircraft: Aerosoft Beaverski
Depart. : McGrath
Destin. : Iditarod
Dep.time: 12:30
Enroute : 01:43
Fuel : 265 lbs
Route1 : VFR
Route2 : To Unalakleet
Speed : 120
Altitude: Low
Remark 1: Delivered 20 bags of food.

Christian Pirep TX MCG/Food-11

Hi Sandy.
After arriving back from Unalakleet with the C-130 I rushed over to the Bell 412 and fired her up for departure to McGrath. But before this happened I took advantage of installing the Finn-Ice water textures, which freeze all water near the coast and inside the land.
I departed at 13:41 and climbed to 10000 feet with a filed IFR flight plan. Shortly after crossing RWY 14/32 I did one look back to the crowded ramp of UPS and Northwest Cargo.
As I approached Rainy Pass FS9 again crashed to Desktop and so I decided to uninstall the winter version of Rainy pass and activated the summer version: With Finn-Ice Puntilla lake is still frozen ;-)
Once I cleared the Alaska Range ATC cleared us for a visual approach to RWY 16, but I instead selected a localizer RWY 16 approach with a MCG transition and as I expected I was cleared to MCG VOR. As I was near the airport I descended further - in the meantime I had been cleared to 4000 feet, but got too low - 'disregarding' ATC and with about 2 miles to the airport I was cleared to switch to advisory for the final approach. I circled the airport a little bit and landed near our hangar at 15:17 after a flying time of 01:36.
Some volunteers were already standing by and as soon as I switched the engines off and the rotor came to a halt, they begun to load the food bags into the Bell.
I departed at 15:50 for Iditarod Checkpoint and the weather was not as good as on my arrival: the visibility had dropped to about 2-3 miles and so I decided to stay low with only a few times popping over hills. I mainly followed the 227 radial from MCG VOR and as I was approaching Iditarod the visibility improved to about 10 miles +. And so it was really easy to find Iditarod Checkpoint and the oxbow.
I appraoched Iditarod Checkpoint and landed on the frozen oxbow.

Soon the food bags were unloaded from the helicopter.

It is now too late to continue on to Kaltag, so I will stay here. I will head out for one of these old cabins and fire up my heater I brought with me to withstand the cold during the night.

Flying time to Iditarod was 45 minutes.

BTW I have added a NDB to Flat airfield AFCAD2 and positioned it at Iditarod Checkpoint for a better finding the Checkpoint, because MSFS doesn't allow direct position entries into the GPS. So this is more or less a workaround of this circumstance.

I can make the file available on request.


Pirep Christian Fuel-UNK

Hi Sandy.

Today I delivered 11000 lbs of fuel to Unalakleet with the C-130. The take off was calm from RWY 14, we only had to wait for an UPS B747-200F to land and to clear the runway.

The flight was smooth as well and we climbed to 20500 feet for the flight and again our routing was via SQA VOR.
Prior to UNK VOR we turned to a more or less parallel course to PAUN to fly a downwind on RWY 14. We had little crosswind on approach and this time I switched to the first officers view to see the runway and was able to land this big bird with no problems and really soft.

We then taxied to the ramp and rolled back between these two buildings and offload our fuel out of the bulk tanks.

After 50 minutes on the ground it was time to leave again for Anchorage, because I have also a ferry flight on the to do list ;-)

We took off RWY 14 and climbed to 20000 feet and headed back. e started to descend a little bit too late, but we were cleared for an approach to RWY 14 and so it was time to turn around to the left to get on a parallel course to RWY 14 and during this step we descended. I selected the ILS frequency, but obviously there must have been something wrong, because I didn't get a glide slope readout - only the localizer became active, but was also acting very strange. With Anchorage aerodrome covered below clouds it was hard to find and to determine where we are, so we had to rely on the GPS. Once we had the airport in sight we started our approach, but we ended up too far East and were approaching in a 90° angle to the runway, and it was time to decide, whether to go around or not, but somehow I was able to get this bird aligned to the RWY and landed safely to my surprise! We missed the exit by a few feet and so we reversed the props and rolled back to the exit and thereafter back to our ramp, where I could see my Bell 412 see standing in the background of the ramp waiting for me.

Flying time was 02:50


Food 7: McGrath - Rohn/Tatitna

23 bags of food, 1380 lbs, plus 450 lbs of fuel made this Beaver hard to get airborne. Once I got the feel it flew better. Wx was hazy so followed the Kuskokwim up to Nicolai and cut across to Tin Creek when it cleared up. 8KA to me is a tougher approach than Rainy Pass. But we landed safely. After offloading the bags we had coffee and a mooseburger in the Roadhouse.

Back to MCG followed the river up to Farewell Mtn and with clear skies flew to MCG on the VOR, crossing Windy Fork, Big River and Blackwater Creek. Here it turned hazy again. Set in descent when we spotted Stewart Bend and landed on 25 after buzzing the warehouse.

Flight : Food 7
Date : 17-2-2007
Name : Rudy Boot
EMail : rboot2001@yahoo.com
# Aboard: 1
Aircraft: Aerosoft Beaver tundra wheels
Depart. : McGrath
Destin. : Rohn/Tatitna
Dep.time: 11:05
Enroute : 01:29
Fuel : 232 lbs
Route1 : FR
Route2 : Return: VOR 115.50
Speed : 130
Altitude: 2000
Remark 1: Delivered 23 bags og food

PIREP Pat: Charter to Deadhorse

Deadhorse airport

Evening Sandy,

While waiting for the food drops to begin I took on a cargo charter up to Deadhorse. Four brand new snow mobiles needed to be flown up to this remote little town. It was a smooth flight.. cloud ceiling was just under 2000' at PASC. I keep getting the dam
strobe error message though.. going to have to get the co-pilot out on the fuselage with a flashlight to avoid the deductions!! ;)


Aircraft: FSDS3 HS748 TradeWind Alaska -Cargo - BRITISHAEROSPACE A748 (N748TA)
Flight Type: IFR
Flight Level: FL190
Passenger: 2
Cargo: 8900
Origin Airport: PANC - Stevens Anchorage Intl - Parking S 9 - 06L / 24R - 18000
Destination Airport: PASC - Deadhorse - Parking 28 - 04 / 22 - 18000 (STAR: )
Origin: PANC 142152Z 03004KT 9999 SCT066CU BKN111CU FEW390CI -5/-10 Q997
Destination: PASC 150035Z 28005KT 9999 BKN015ST FEW388CI -29/-31 Q1010
Flight Critique
Strobe lights off during Takeoff -5.0%
Strobe lights off during touchdown -5.0%

Total Score for this flight 90.0%
Landing rating Good
Pilot rating Very Good

Message from Snowboss: FOOD DROP FLIGHTS

Dog food bags being readied for transport.

Hello Crew,

At the present time it looks like we will be hauling 1,414 food bags, 84,840-pounds. also looks like we might have to press the C-130 into service for a couple flights. The following is our Main Supply Bases and the checkpoints they will service.

Skwentna, Rainy Pass & Shageluk.
Rohn, Nikolai, Takotna, Ophir & Iditarod Townsite.
Anvik, Grayling & Eagle Island.
Shaktoolik, Koyuk, Elim & White Mountain.

The following towns have aircraft fuel...Wasilla, Skwentna, Nikolai, McGrath, Kaltag, Unalakleet & Nome.

I'll will post the Food Drop Flights & your Assignments, late Wednesday evening, 2200 MST. NOTE, if you have any questions about the Food Drop Flights, now is the time to contact me.


PIREP Joey: Straw 10 Kaltag - Grayling and back

Found a couple of race officials that needed a lift to Kaltag from Anchorage and they agreed to put 800 lbs of gas in the PC-12. Got to Kaltag and fired up the Beaver. Followed the river down to Grayling. Unloaded and headed back to Kaltag.

Joey MacK

PIREP Rudy: Transfer Unalakleet - Anchorage

Strange things can happen in the air. I was cleared to land on 26L. I was listening in to ATC telling Dynasty 226 Heavy to follow the DC3 on final. I was thinking: will he hold his speed? Did he spot me? The camera was still in the bag so I couldn't take a shot of the 747 flying over me on it's way to 26L. The 747 was about to touch down when he was ordered to go around. And he followed orders! As real as it can get I believe.

Flight : Transfer DC3
Date : 13-2-2007
Name : Rudy Boot
# Aboard: 2
Aircraft: MAAM DC3
Depart. : Unalakleet
Destin. : Anchorage Stevens
Dep.time: 13:08
Enroute : 02:23
Fuel : 1600 lbs
Route1 : T244
Speed : 135
Altitude: 11000
Remark 1: Cargo 1 snowmobile for repair

Virtual Iditarod Airforce Humour (thanks Angel)

Aircraft: Anchorage Approach, Tradewind Alaska XXXX declaring an Emergency, request direct routing to land at Merrill Field
Anchorage Approach: Tradewind Alaska XXX, state nature of your emergency
Aircraft: My cargo is warming up
AA: So you have a fire onboard ?
Aircraft: Negative, It's warming up
AA: Tradewind Alaska XXX, please explain how is that an emergency.
Aircraft: I have 20 bags of Iditarod race dog food onboad and is starting to thaw.
AA: Tradewind Alaska XXX, turn left heading 180, standby for vectors direct visual approach to Merrill Field.

Maybe we can come up with our own humor


PIREP Rodger: Anchorage - Dillingham - McGrath

Dillingham Airport

We fired up the Cheyenne to taxi in a subsiding snowstorm. By the time we had her warmed up and deiced and taxied to Rwy 7l the cover was starting to lift and the day turned out pretty good by the time we got to cruising altitude. Jimmy Lee & I ate a light brunch that Gail prepared for us to eat on the way to Dillingham. The views over the Kenai peninsula were magnificent and we made good time and landed to see Orville Lind waving to us from the weather shack as we taxied up to it.
It was good to see Orville and we enjoyed talking about Native art and the Spirit Masks of different American Indian cultures. Got clearance to McGrath and quickly made our way with a slight tailwind. Dropped Orville at our headquarters to make a few calls and promised to meet him with his friend at Carolines for dinner after he gets in touch with him. Will bunk here overnight and do a little "light partying" before heading back to Anchorage in the morning.
BTW the Spirit Mask for this year is extraordinary so some lucky Musher is gonna be very happy he was first to get to McGrath.

Flight : Lind
Date : 2/12/2007
Name : Rodger C. Butler TCA9089
Callsign: Jumping Mouse
# Aboard: 3
Aircraft: TCAA - Piper Cheyenne
Depart. : PANC
Destin. : PADL - PAMC
Dep.time: 2338
Enroute : 2:46
Fuel : 1182
Speed : 210
Altitude: 230

PIREP Rodger: Unalakleet - Anchorage

Transfered to PANC to pick up Orville Lind

Flight : XFER UNK - ANC
Date : 2/12/2007
Name : Rodger C. Butler TCA9089
Callsign: Jumping Mouse
# Aboard: 1
Aircraft: TCAA - Pilatus PC-6/B - Haida Gwai
Depart. : PAUN
Destin. : PANC
Dep.time: 20:17z
Enroute : 02:35
Fuel : 103gal
Speed : 118
Altitude: 140

Some aircraft humour to enjoy on the trail (thanks Rodger)

Tower: "Delta 351, you have traffic at 10 o'clock, 6 miles!"
Delta 351: "Give us another hint! We have digital watches!"

Tower: "TWA 2341, for noise abatement turn right 45 Degrees."
TWA 2341: "Center, we are at 35,000 feet. How much noise can we make up here?"
Tower: "Sir, have you ever heard the noise a 747 makes when it hits a 727?"

From an unknown aircraft waiting in a very long takeoff queue: "I'm f...ing bored!"
Ground Traffic Control: "Last aircraft transmitting, identify yourself immediately!"
Unknown aircraft: "I said I was f...ing bored, not f...ing stupid!"

O'Hare Approach Control to a 747: "United 329 heavy, your traffic is a Fokker, one o'clock, three miles, Eastbound."
United 329: "Approach, I've always wanted to say this. I've got the little Fokker in sight."

A student became lost during a solo cross-country flight. While attempting to locate the aircraft on radar, ATC asked, "What was your last known position?"
Student: "When I was number one for takeoff."

A DC-10 had come in a little hot and thus had an exceedingly long roll out after touching down.
San Jose Tower Noted: "American 751, make a hard right turn at the end of the runway, if you are able. If you are not able, take the Guadeloupe exit off Highway 101, make a right at the lights and return to the airport."

A Pan Am 727 flight, waiting for start clearance in Munich, overheard the following: Lufthansa (in German): "Ground, what is our start clearance time?"
Ground (in English): "If you want an answer you must speak in English."
Lufthansa (in English): "I am a German, flying a German airplane, in Germany Why must I speak English?"
Unknown voice from another plane (in a beautiful British accent): "Because you lost the bloody war!"

Tower: "Eastern 702, cleared for takeoff, contact Departure on frequency 124.7"
Eastern 702: "Tower, Eastern 702 switching to Departure. By the way, after we lifted off we saw some kind of dead animal on the far end of the runway."
Tower: "Continental 635, cleared for takeoff behind Eastern 702, contact Departure on frequency 124.7. Di d you copy that report from Eastern 702?"
BR Continental 635: "Continental 635, cleared for takeoff, roger; and yes, we copied Eastern... We've already notified our caterers."

One day the pilot of a Cherokee 180 was told by the tower to hold short of the active runway while a DC-8 landed. The DC-8 landed, rolled out, turned around, and taxied back past the Cherokee. Some quick-witted comedian in the DC-8 crew got on the radio and said, "What a cute little plane. Did you make it all by yourself?"
The Cherokee pilot, not about to let the insult go by, came back with a real zinger: "I made it out of DC-8 parts. Another landing like yours and I'll have enough parts for another one."

The German air controllers at Frankfurt Airport are renowned as a short-tempered lo t. They not only expect one to know one's gate parking location, but how to get there without any assistance from them. So it was with some amusement that we (a Pan Am 747) listened to the following exchange between Frankfurt ground control and a British Airways 747, call sign Speed bird 206.
Speed bird 206: " Frankfurt , Speed bird 206 clear of active runway."
Ground: "Speed bird 206. Taxi to gate Alpha One-Seven."
The BA 747 pulled onto the main taxiway and slowed to a stop.
Ground: "Speed bird, do you not know where you are going?"
Speed bird 206: "Stand by, Ground, I'm looking up our gate location now."!
Ground (with quite arrogant impatience): "Speed bird 206, have you not been
to Frankfurt before?"
Speed bird 206 (coolly): "Yes, twice in 1944, but it was dark, -- And I didn't land."

While taxiing at London's Gatwick Airport, the crew of a US Air flight departing for Ft. Lauderdale made a wrong turn and came nose to nose with a United 727. An irate female ground controller lashed out at the US Air crew, screaming:
"US Air 2771, where the hell are you going? I told you to turn right onto Charlie taxiway! You turned right on Delta! Stop right there. I know it's difficult for you to tell the difference between C and D, but get it right!"
Continuing her rage to the embarrassed crew, she was now shouting hysterically: "God! Now you've screwed everything up! It'll take forever to sort this out! You stay right there and don't move till I tell you to! You can expect progressive taxi instructions in about half an hour, and I want you to go exactly where I tell you, when I tell you, and how I tell you! You got that, US Air 2771?"
"Yes, ma'am," the humbled crew responded. Naturally, the ground control communications frequency fell terribly silent after the verbal bashing of US Air 2771. Nobody wanted to chance engaging the irate ground controller in her current state of mind. Tension in every cockpit out around Gatwick was definitely running high. Just then an unknown pilot broke the silence and keyed his microphone, asking: "Wasn't I married to you once?"

PIREP Pat: Transfer to Anchorage

Repositioning to Anchorage......

Pilot: Patrick Hanna (Tradewind Alaska) TCA5000
Aircraft: Hawker Siddeley HS748 TradeWind Alaska - Passenger - BRITISHAEROSPACE A748
Flight Type: IFR
Flight Level: FL210
Passenger: 25
Cargo: 1255
Origin Airport: PAUN - Unalakleet - Parking 28 - 14 / 32 - 18000 (SID: )
Destination Airport: PANC - Stevens Anchorage Intl - Parking S 9 - 06R / 24L - 18000
Origin: PAUN 132315Z 09013KT 9999 CAVOK -10/-17 Q1018
Destination: PANC 140058Z 09013KT 9999 FEW026CU -10/-17 Q1018
Flight Critique
Strobe lights off during Takeoff | -5.0%
Strobe lights off during touchdown | -5.0%

Total Score for this flight | 90.0%
Landing rating | Very good
Pilot rating | Very Good

PIREP Pat: Straw 14 Unalakleet - White Mountain - Unalakleet

First leg of Straw 14....

Pilot: Patrick Hanna (Tradewind Alaska)
Aircraft: Pilatus PC-12 TCAA_White - PILATUS PC12 (N205TA)
Flight Type: IFR
Flight Level: 8000
Passenger: 0
Cargo: 500
Origin Airport: PAUN - Unalakleet - Parking 17 - 08 / 26 - 18000 (SID: )
Destination Airport: WMO - White Mountain - Parking 4 - 15 / 33 - 18000 (STAR: )
Origin: PAUN 132014Z 08022G54KT 9999 BKN075CU FEW402CI -6/-15 Q1007
Destination: PAGL 132053Z 04809G12KT 9999 FEW365CI -2/-11 Q1006
Flight Critique
No issues found

Return leg for Straw 14.....

Aircraft: Pilatus PC-12 TCAA_White - PILATUS PC12 (N206TA)
Flight Type: IFR
Flight Level: 15000
Passenger: 0
Cargo: 0
Origin Airport: WMO - White Mountain - Parking 1 - 15 / 33 - 18000 (SID: )
Destination Airport: PAUN - Unalakleet - Parking 17 - 14 / 32 - 18000 (STAR: )
Origin: PAGL 132123Z 09013KT 9999 CAVOK -10/-17 Q1018
Destination: PAUN 132207Z 08022G54KT 9999 BKN075CU FEW345CI -5/-15 Q1007
Flight Critique
Landing lights on above FL100 | -1.0%
Excessive yaw during rollout | -7.5%

Total Score for this flight | 91.5%
Landing rating | Excellent
Pilot rating | Very Good

PIREP Chico: Transfer Unalakleet - Anchorage

My transfer flight to Anchorage, the weather was good with light clouds,
good visibility and remained the same the whole way to ANC, with some light
turbulance en route.

Flight # : Transfer to PANC
Name : Francisco Aguiar
Callsign : Aguiar
Date : 12/02/2007
Aircraft : TA DHC-6 Twin Otter
Depart : Unalakleet/PAUN
Stop 1 : xxxxxxxxx
Stop 2 : xxxxxxxxx
Destin : Anchorage/PANC
Enroute: 02:10

Chico Aguiar

Message from Snowboss: FOOD DROP FLIGHTS


The following is the aircraft we will use for the food drop flights. It also shows how many food bags you can carry. The bags weigh 60-pounds each If you are over the max gross weight, it will be not very much, not enough to worry about. For the prop aircraft, I figure 55% fuel in each tank, turboprops a little higher. Pilot weight, 185-pounds.

Here is an example of how to load your aircraft without going over gross weight. Lets say, your aircraft is going to fly 20-food bags at 60-pounds each, for a total load of, 1,200-pounds, and add 185-pounds for pilot, so you now have, 1,385 pounds of gross weight less fuel. Empty your fuel tanks, now add the, 1,385-pounds for pilot and cargo. At the bottom of the loading diagram for your aircraft you will see, Max Allowable Fuel, and this will show you how many gallons you can load without going over the Max gross weight of your aircraft. For smaller aircraft we normally use gallons, not pounds of fuel. Also, don't load all your cargo in one area, spread it around, and remember to keep your aircrafts CG within limits. It's better to have a forward CG, than a rear ward CG.

The following are the food bag hauling aircraft:

PA-18 Super Cub...6-bags :))
Cessna 182...14-bags
Cessna 206...19-bags
PC-6 Porter...18-bags
DHC-2 Beaver...23-bags
Cessna 208...40-bags
DHC-3T Turbine Otter...40-bags
Pilatus PC-12...46-bags
Aero Commander 680...28-bags
Bell 412 helicopter...50-bags
DHC-6 Twin-Otter...50-bags
Beech 1900...60-bags (used for long haul)
Douglas DC-3...74-bags (used for long haul)

If you have an aircraft that is not on the list, and meets the trail types, please contact me.


Snowboss telling a joke to keep the crew spirit's up


Overheard in IFR Magazine's "On the Air"

This comes from a search and rescue pilot at Canadian Forces Base in Bagotville, Quebec. It happened late one night during bad weather, as heard over the tower radio:

Helicopter pilot: Roger, I'm holding at 3,000 feet over the beacon.

Second voice: (Panic in voice) No, you can't be doing that...I'm holding at 3,000 feet over that beacon.

Helicopter pilot: (Short pause) You idiot, you're my copilot.

PIREPS Dave OneX: Iditarod visitor Charters

Total Time: 2:49

07/02/11 0625z GMT-6 (Sim 2149Z GMT-9) Iditarod Visitor Shuttle

DHC3 Private C-FETN
PAMR<1753z - 1816z>PAWS 00:19 6 X $40
PAWS<1832z - 1848z>PAMR 00:16 6 X $40
PAMR<1900z - 1921z>PAWS 00:21 6 X $40
PAWS<1930z - 1948z>PAMR 00:18 6 X $40

PMAR<2000z - 2017z>PAWS 00:17 6 X $40
PAWS<2030z - 2049z>PAMR 00:19 6 X $40
PAMR<2100z - 2115z>PAWS 00:15 6 X $40
PAWS<2130z - 2149z>PAMR 00:19 6 X $40
PAMR<2200z - 2219z>PAWS 00:19 Transition for Pickup
PAWS<2230z - 2248z>PAMR 00:18 6 Return to Merrill

Many more to want to make the trip.

PIREP Rui: Straw 6 and transfer to Kaltag

Making a bush pilot approach to Takotna in the fog.
Hello Sandy, obviously I've been on a leave of absence the whole week. The flight to Takotna took 10 minutes plus 10 more to find the runway in the fog. I was using MCG dme and radial still I kept missing it in the very low vis. The flight to Kaltag was uneventful. I've been there the whole week stuck with real life chores.

PIREP Straw 6
Aircraft: Porter

Transfer to Kaltag:
Time: 00:40
Aircraft Porter

And I've been in Kaltag all week!

Photo: On final to Kaltak airport.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Christian Pirep Food-3 Return to ANC

Hi Sandy.

After refuelling at Unalakleet we departed again at 13:25 and headed for Anchorage via Sparrevohn. I use this routing to prevent FS crashing to Desktop while approaching Rainy Pass. Nevertheless it was a nice flight and we made an ILS landing to RWY 07L although RWY 32 was in use, but our routing brought us almost straight in to RWYs 07R/L. We came to a stop just before crossing RWY 32 and we had to stop there, because of landing Alaska Airlines flight 1 was on final to RWY 32. After the B737 had landed we taxied to our ramp without any problems.

Flying time was 01:12


Thursday, February 15, 2007


We have an Eagle Island scenery that can be used in FSX, although it by no means is a pro work, I managed to add some objects that will give some more life to the scenery.Now, it's about time to go back flying and help this VA make some money :)