Sunday, February 18, 2007

PIREP Dave OneX: Food-10 McGrath - Ophir

Ophir airstrip

At McGrath a fog bank moving east just off the 07 end of the runway. High scattered TCU visible from parking area, ceiling obscured and visibility 5 - 7 miles in the McGrath area at 1500Z GMT. In the Ophir area visibility 2 miles or less from 2500 MSL.

Dropped 23 bags of dog food (With no help) lost off the east end of the runway in the area of the access road coming down form the major highway well traveled in the simulator? Ophir doesn't even rate a wind sock, I don't recall running it over? At 8 knots and a fairly steep hill on one end the runway got really short fast. The hill was at least steeper than a normal glide path. I would recommend they move the chain-saw gang from Rohn over here and cut a notch in the trees on both ends. The runway does not appear to be any longer here than at Rohn?

Total Time: 00:40

07/02/17 1455z -6 GMT (Sim 07/02/16 2058z -9GMT):Flight FOOD-10
DHC2 Beaver Tradewind A;asla N202TA

PAMC<1908z>Z17 00:17
Z17 <2035z>PAMC 00:23

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