Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Christian Pirep Food-6

Hi Sandy.

I don't know, whether Rudy is flying Food-6 as well, but I flew it today.
It was beautiful weather today and I took the C-130 back into the air again to deliver these 63 food bags to Shageluk.
The routing went via Sparrevohn and then direct to SHX. As I arrived I had the impression that the runway was very short and narrow, and I was da** right. I managed it to land safely and taxied back to the ramp and I tried to park the aircraft backwards by using the reversers, but on this gravel runway I had no luck. I then edited the aircraft.cfg file and increased the reverse thrust and this helped a lot.

After unloading these 63 bags we departed for the flight back to ANC this time via McGrath.

It was a rather fast flight and nearing Anchorage I made contact with the tower and requested landing permission. I was sent downwind for an approach to RWY 32, though I had expected RWY 14 as we departed from there. This time we were flying low at an altitude of about 1000 feet with high speed and then I pulled the Hercules up and turned inbound to RWY 32. I climbed to about 5000 feet and tried another Sarajevo style approach. And to give you an impression how it would look like I took a small video of it. That was a very good decision from what I can tell you now! Otherwise you probably wouldn't believe what had happened. I was going down real steep to the runway and at a certain altitude I engaged the reversers and levelled off and landed also instantly. I thought already about a short landing distance, but that short? You will have to see the video the believe it.

Ok, Sandy, flying time was 02:10.

Video is available at TCA-Charter.

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