Saturday, February 17, 2007

Food 7: McGrath - Rohn/Tatitna

23 bags of food, 1380 lbs, plus 450 lbs of fuel made this Beaver hard to get airborne. Once I got the feel it flew better. Wx was hazy so followed the Kuskokwim up to Nicolai and cut across to Tin Creek when it cleared up. 8KA to me is a tougher approach than Rainy Pass. But we landed safely. After offloading the bags we had coffee and a mooseburger in the Roadhouse.

Back to MCG followed the river up to Farewell Mtn and with clear skies flew to MCG on the VOR, crossing Windy Fork, Big River and Blackwater Creek. Here it turned hazy again. Set in descent when we spotted Stewart Bend and landed on 25 after buzzing the warehouse.

Flight : Food 7
Date : 17-2-2007
Name : Rudy Boot
EMail :
# Aboard: 1
Aircraft: Aerosoft Beaver tundra wheels
Depart. : McGrath
Destin. : Rohn/Tatitna
Dep.time: 11:05
Enroute : 01:29
Fuel : 232 lbs
Route1 : FR
Route2 : Return: VOR 115.50
Speed : 130
Altitude: 2000
Remark 1: Delivered 23 bags og food

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