Wednesday, February 7, 2007

PIREP David Asp: Supply-9 Anchorage - Nome

Photo: Nome. Where every musher will be racing to arrive at.

'Morning Boss....

Have landed in Nome from Anchorage.

We left at nine am and were able to fly VFR as the WX was light winds from the north, little cloud and very good visibility.

After clearing the mountains at 1100ft we dropped down a little so that Dougray could do a little Caribou spotting.

It's been a while since we were out this way and even the weather over Unalakleet was quiet.

By the time we got to Nome the wind has come round to the east and picked up to 16 knots.

We did a downwind then turned into runway 09 with some turbulence and the old crate bouncing around.

The ILS was inactive but visibililty was good enough for a visual.

Now on the apron at Nome if you need anything doing.


Flight : Supply-9
Date : 07/02/2007
Name : David Aspinall
Callsign: Jay
# Aboard:
Aircraft: DC-3
Depart. : Anchorage
Destin. : Nome
Dep.time: 09:00
Enroute : 03:45
Speed : 180
Altitude: 110

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