Sunday, February 4, 2007

PIREP Fuel-6 Anchorage - Unalakleet - Anchorage

Photo: The C-123 fully loaded waiting at our fuel farm in Anchorage airport.

After Snowboss flew me back to Anchorage from Skwentna, where one of our Beech 18 suffered an incident on landing, I got ready to fly the C-123 eqquiped with 2 1000 gallon fuel tanks to Unalakleet. 1000 gal of Avgas ans 1000 gal of Jet-A were already on board waiting. The flights in and out were uneventful. The weather over this part of Alaska has been great.

Photo: Unloading fuel at Unalakleet.

On the return to Anchorage, though, when asked for the destination's METAR we found out that there was a fog bank forming on the N-NE side of Anchorage and that, with winds coming from 100ยบ, we might see that fog over the airport soon. In face of this we prepared the approach plates. As expected, approach cleared us for an ILS to runway 06L and on final that fog bank was clearly visible coming from the opposite side of the airport area. The C123 is parked again on our fuel farm.

Photo: Short final to runway 06 left. Note the low stratus coming from the east.

PANC-PAUN: 02:00
PAUN-PANC: 02:00


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