Monday, February 12, 2007

PIREP Rodger: Straw 11 Kaltag - Eagle Island - Unalakleet

Headed out at daybreak for Eagle with 10 bales, some vitamin B12, a big bottle of bromo Seltzer and a mop. Landed at Eagle with no-one in site and after I shutdown, I checked the cabin and, as expected, I found the old lady passed out with evidence of upchucking all around her. Got her cleaned up and awake enough to take the B12
injection, have some bromoseltzer, and down some strong nectar of the bean that I
After she was coherent, and grateful that she didn't freeze during the night as the fire had long since gone out, she told me that all of her "boys" had been by to see her and between cookin' and entertainin' she must have passed out. She promised me she would behave herself and asked me to thank all of my "brothers". I said I
would and, after mopping up the barf, I lifted off for the short flight to
Remark13: Unalakleet. Upon landing I found Jimmy Lee and we looked up Stanton Katchatag, the Inupiac Indian Elder here, to do some ice fishing before finishing the Straw flights. Stanton, for those who don't know, is the most respected member of the Unalakleet community and is the best story teller I have ever met. We definitely will have some fish tonight so save your appetite. We'll have Mrs Brown do us a favor and cook them and she agreed we could have a poker game as well.
Meet us there for dinner. Peace on Earth cooked them last year but they overcharged us. I'm teaching them a lesson. (Although I think it was their greedy nephew that overcharged us and not the owner).

See you tonight for Fish'n Fun

TCA Alaska Airlines
Flight : Straw-11
Report #: REP56602.TXT
Date : 2/8/2007
Name : Rodger C. Butler TCA9089
Callsign: Jumping Mouse
# Aboard: 1
Aircraft: TCAA - Pilatus PC-6/B - Haida Gwai
Depart. : KAL
Destin. : Eagle - PAUN
Dep.time: 19:17z
Enroute : 01:00
Fuel : 140#
Speed : 118
Altitude: 2500

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