Wednesday, February 7, 2007

PIREP Straw 5 leg1 McGrath - Rhon/Tatitna

Photo: Rhon / Tatitna airport. Probably the most dangerous airport of all serviced by Virtual Iditarod Air Force. The cabin is Rhon Roadhouse, the Iditarod checkpoint.

I officially hate Rohn/Tatitna. The only way i'm going back there is in helicopter. Not only did I have to get branches out of the left wing after landing, but the branches were from trees on the OTHER hill across the river from 8AK. I stayed enough to know I'd rather be somewhere else. The lady reporter go scared s**tless after the 4th attempt and when the branches hit the wing and gear she jumped so much she hit her head in the ceiling. She got some good pictures but i think that the last thing on her mind now. I think she's getting more than she expected. At least she finds comfort when i tell her that's the most difficult checkpoint to service on any of both routes of the race.

MgGrath to Rohn "stamp" Tatitna 45 minutes
7 bales
C208B Grand Caravan

Angel 2845

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