Monday, February 12, 2007

PIREP Angel: Straw13 Unalakleet to Elim

A nice overwater/ice flight. The sun was up and the winds had calmed down a little. Connie and I had a good breakfast and we were ready to deliver straw. I help load the last few bales into the plane and made my walkaround inspection before joining Connie in the cockpit. She had started to learn the moves of the profession and was already checking out some of the maps. She figured out that elim was just a bit across the bay.

Takeoff with crossing was done expeditiously and soon we were leveled at 4500, no need to climb more for this short hop. Soon Elim was in the horizon and in no time we started decending to pattern altitude, left hand circuit and we were on the ground. Gently for a change.

The view was great and Connie wasted no time in taking some pictures of the area and talking to some of the people in the airport. I didn't waste any time either and went to the men's room to get some relief.

The return was sooner that she wanted but right on time for me. We still had to go to New Shaktoolik to delivery HEET.

In no time we were setting our wheels in UNK runway and taxing one more time to the Suppy base for TCAA IAF2007.

Nice flight

Total flight time: 1:16

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