Wednesday, February 7, 2007

PIREP Bookie: Straw 10A Kaltag - Grayling - Kaltag

Got the Beaver loaded up and re-fueled. Took on 10 cases of HEET! Set a course for Grayling and took off on rwy 21. This will be an IFR flight as I plan to follow the Yukon all the whay to Grayling. Near the mid-way point a strip and cabin on an island in the river caught my eye. Circling around I see it is a cabin with gravel strip and dock, now frozen into the river.

Landing in Grayling, we off-load the HEET and I make for Kaltag. This trip I decide to see what's down there on the island. Very nice strip, log cabin, campfire going and an outhouse complete with crescent cutout in the door. I must have loaded it from somewhere, but FS9 doesnt list any info about it.

The flight into KAltag is smooth as is the landing after I follow my landing checklist and get it set up properly! Awaiting further instructions in Kaltag.

Flight : Straw 10a
Date : 2007/2/7
Name : Bookie Westbrook
Callsign: BookieW
TCA# : 2609
# Aboard: 1
Aircraft: De Havilland Canada DHC2 Beaver
Depart. : Kaltag
Destin. : Kaltag
Dep.time: 11:00
Enroute : 02:20
Fuel : 45
Speed : 140
Altitude: 3500

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