Monday, February 12, 2007

PIREP Bookie: Straw 11 Kaltag - Unalakleet - Kaltag

On the way to Eagle Island, I realized what the unknown filed was I had seen last trip. Doh, I had a pic of Eagle Island being further south. Well, I took along my copilot Tim and another guy, Clint, to help off-load the 50 bales of straw. I didn't tink the old lady of the cabin would be of that much use in this task. I did take her a bottle of Crown Royale. She was most apprecitive.

The DC-3 handled this runway pretty well due to toucing down early. Thank goodness for the smooth field and the rugged landing gear od the 3. The flight to PAUN ws straight forward. Upon landing I parked the Remark13: bird and headed over to Brown's to check in and see the rest of the guys. We're looking forward to a real Norton Sound kind of supper tonight.

Tradewind Caribbean Alaska Airlines (TCAA)
Virtual Airline Flight Report
Flight : straw 11
Report #: REP24973.TXT
Date : 2007/2/7
Name : Bookie Westbrook
Callsign: BookieW
TCA# : 2609
# Aboard: 3
Aircraft: Douglas DC-3
Depart. : Kaltag
Destin. : Unalakleet
Dep.time: 14:55
Enroute : 01:25
Fuel : 79
Route1 : KAL direct Eagle Island
Route2 : Eagle Island direct PAUN
Speed : 160
Altitude: 3500

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